
广告案例:PCH 2015 CNY promotion campaign




As the category leader, how can we create the connection the healthcare product and CNY to capture the huge business opportunity?










Gifting, Love, Health are the long-lasting themes for Chinese people in CNY

During CNY period,

62% of consumers use mobile device to access internet. 

Stay for Love, Stay for New year, Stay for Health

    – Let your home letters fly home





Fully leverage Mobile as a key platform to build preference, to engage new consumers and drive to mobile e-Commerce

  1. Light mobile application
  2. Light mobile interaction
  3. Light mobile content
  4. Precision targeting
  5. Mobile e-Commerce conversion




  1. Light mobile application


Build the application on mobile for consumers to easily write, compose and send their own home letters to their parents.

Once finished, consumers will have the chance to win e-commerce coupons to purchase PCH products.

  1. Light mobile interaction

During the campaign, using different mobile interaction mechanics to engage with consumers in different phases to extend the attention rate.

Mechanics including Catch the flying red pack on Weibo and Wechat, and scratch card interaction.





  1. Light mobile content

Creating multiple CNY and home letter related contents and leveraging our official Wechat account and KOLs to create the conversation with consumers and increase the brand buzz.

The content including “hear the voice from parents’ heart”, “The home letters that touch millions”, “9 kinds of filial ingratitude.”

  1. Precision targeting

To target the potential consumers based on data analysis to identify a group of people who are “family caring” according to their digital behavior.

And deliver the ads to the right people through DSP to mobile and ads on Wechat.

  1. Mobile e-Commerce conversion

Deliver e-commerce coupons in all above interaction activities and link to mobile e-Commerce site to drive purchase conversion.



结果-传播到达 品牌提升 销量支持



Increase brand preference by increasing WOM and Participating rate

Recruit new users

Drive E-C conversion rate



32K+ new leads*

Sales $ / UV : RMB 1.2

